À Bientôt

I’m off! My bag is full of black t-shirts, jeans, and… for some reason… an entire box of tea. Don’t know why that seemed so important last night, but it is in.

Wish me bon chance!


French Couture

I am an anxious traveler. The last time I left the country, I spent the night before my flight wide eyed in bed and picturing the distance between Utah and Argentina – my destination – and feeling like I was sliding off the earth. As if gravity had given up on me and loosed me into space. 

I am about to embark on another international adventure. I’m feeling anxious but, for some reason, that anxiety is manifesting as a panic I have never experienced before. This is what it is saying to me:

“I’m going to France. What the heck am I going to wear?!”

This makes no sense. A.) I am not going to Paris, I am going to Provence. B.) Since when do I care about what I look like? My fashion instincts always gear me toward an average look.  Not great. Not bad.  All I want: not to be noticed. 

I’m traveling with a friend who does care about dress, however. I think that’s part of it. I think I also want to look cute in the travel pics. But mostly I don’t want to look like a schlub next to my friend. 

We had a chat about this the other day. Here is a bit of it. 





The Fella & I Dicuss Politics

I recently took an online quiz to see which candidate I best align with on the issues. I’m a Bernie Sanders girl, as it turns out. Not that it matters at the moment (if at all; I live in Utah), the GOP show is the only game in town. 

I was texting the fella a bit about the latest debate. I thought it was a funny conversation but I wasn’t going to share it because I think it makes us sound homophobic, which we are not. I just re-read it and decided it really just makes us sound like jerks, which we are. So here it is. 


Acme Construction

I had two thoughts when I saw this truck in front of me today. 

  1. There is no way they have permission from Warner Bros. to be using that. 
  2. Do they know that they are saying that anything they build will fail at the worst possible time?   


Halfway Down the Stairs: Tenth Anniversary Edition

Great news! I had a story published! It can be found here!

That is all.

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